Heatfire1000 Wine Specialist 醇酒達人

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Glen Grant 1993 (53.7%)

Glen Grant 1993 (53.7%)

Category: Whisky (威士忌)
Manufacturer: Scott's Selection
Price: 2,488.00 HK$

Highland Single Malt Whisky (70cl*3)

Brothers James and John Grant, who
were attracted to the location by
the plentiful supply of spring
water from the Caperdonich Well
on the hillside above, founded the
distillery in 1840. The Glen
Grant distillery is tucked away at
the end of the main street of Rothes,
some of the original buildings remain.
The distillery is set round a small
courtyard with turreted and gabled
offices in the "Scottish Baronial" style, probably dating from the 1880s.
It is a quirky place, traditional in style despite expansions in
the 1970s.
Nose: Fresh, green, grassy, herbal.
Palate: Light, fresh and clean.
Delicate subtle fruit,light maltiness.
Finish: Beautifully balanced and delicate.  

James 和 John Grant 兄弟被上面山坡上 Caperdonich Well 的充足泉
水所吸引,並於 1840 年建立了釀酒廠。 Glen Grant 釀酒廠隱藏在
Rothes 主要街道的盡頭 ,一些原始建築仍然存在。 釀酒廠圍繞著一
到 1880 年代。 這是一個古怪的地方,儘管在 1970 年代進行了擴張,

口感:清淡、清新、乾淨。 細膩的果味,淡淡的麥芽味。

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