Heatfire1000 Wine Specialist 醇酒達人

Saturday, February 22, 2025

KWV Wild Africa Cream
KWV Wild Africa Cream KWV Wild Africa Cream KWV Wild Africa Cream

KWV Wild Africa Cream

Manufacturer: KWV~South Africa
Price: 188.00 HK$

KWV Wild Africa Cream
The leopard has inspired countless
African myths and legends.
Grand tales of its power, beauty and
grace have been passed down through the generations.

Wild Africa Cream is inspired by this majestic creature.
Enjoyed in more than 45 countries around the world for its tantalising
blend of fresh cream, distilled spirit and caramel, Wild Africa Cream
is made from the finest quality ingredients luxuriously blended to
Best enjoyed in the company of special friends.

Flavors: Toffee/Caramel

Store in cool, dry locations. Once the bottle is open, refrigeration is required.

Serve: with Ice.

Analytical information:
Alc:             17%
Density:      1.03~1.05
Sugar:         145~165 g/l
Colour:        Cream, Beige

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