Heatfire1000 Wine Specialist 醇酒達人

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Rheinhesssen Esiwein (Ice Wine)

Rheinhesssen Esiwein (Ice Wine)

Category: Ice Wine
Price: 258.00 HK$

葡萄:Mainly Ortega & Optima Grapes
年份: 2008
酒精度 (Alc):8% 
飲用溫度:8~10 OC

Tasting Note / 味道註釋:

Produced from grapes harvested and pressed while frozen
(not higher than – 7 C degree)to concentrate sugar,
acidity & extract.Truly a unique & complex wine with
an intense concentration of fruits like honey, caramel & raisins.
Eiswein is the crowning jewel of German Viticulture.

具備有蜜糖、焦糖及葡萄乾等果香, Eiswein可以說是德國釀酒手法中之皇者。

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