Rhum Dillon
Rhum Agricole MARTINIQUE
Appellation d’origine contrôlée

The distillery owes its name to Count Arthur Dillon, a General and hero of the American War of Independence. He marries a cousin of Empress Josephine de Beauharnais, Laure Girardin de Montgérald, owner of the plantation estate which will later, through this marriage, become the Dillon Estate. Elected Martinique Member of Parliament in 1789, he is accused of conspiracy by Robespierre and decapitated in April of 1794.

In 1857, Dillon is purchased by the Mayor of Saint-Pierre, Pierre Hervé, who restores the canal and dyke and has a sugar factory and rum distillery built, as well as a railway. But the 1866 sugar crisis ruins him and the plantation becomes a limited corporation, managed by Louis Domergue.

In 1891, a hurricane devastates the XVIII th century estate and entails the death of Louis Domergue. In 1900, his son, Raoul re-builds it from elements of a Saint-Pierre manor which he has disassembled, beam by beam — thus saving it from the Pelee volcano disaster. But in 1919, the Dillon Administrator must comply with a quota policy and ends up transforming it into a sugar factory in 1928.

Administered by the Laguarigue family, the Dillon plantation estate doesn’t take up agricultural rum production again until 1954. It is purchased in 1967 by the Bardinet family from Bordeaux : in over twenty years, the Bardinet Group quadruples its annual production by investing in fermenting vats, distilling columns, and aging storehouses of a capacity of three thousands vats.

As of 1981, Dillon rum is a regular prize winner at the Concours Général Agricole contest, confirming it progression in terms of quality and marketing on the Martinique, French Guiana and mainland France markets — where they are the leading trademark. After becoming owned by “La Martiniquaise” in 1993, the Dillon brand name continues to add to the renown of the Martinique A.O.C. official label of origin, granted in 1996.

Their Product:

Dillon Rhum Blanc


Rhum Agricole MARTINIQUE

這家釀酒廠的名字來源於美國獨立戰爭的將軍兼英雄亞瑟·狄龍伯爵。他娶了皇后約瑟芬··博哈瑞斯(Josephine de Beauharnais)的堂兄,勞雷·吉拉爾丁·蒙特格拉德(Laure Girardinde Montgérald)為種植園莊園的所有者,後來通過這次婚姻成為狄龍莊園。 1789年當選馬提尼克議員,他被羅伯斯庇爾指控並於17944月被斬首。

年,DillonSaint-Pierre市長Pierre Hervé收購,他恢復了運河和堤壩,並建有糖廠和朗姆酒釀酒廠以及鐵路。但1866年的糖危機使他失去了興趣,種植園變成了一家由Louis Domergue管理的有限公司。

年,一場颶風摧毀了十八世紀的莊園,並導致了路易斯·多默格的死亡。 1900年,他的兒子拉烏爾(Raoul)從聖皮埃爾(Saint-Pierre)莊園的元素中重新建造了這座建築物,並將其逐束拆卸 - 從而將其從佩利(Pelee)火山災難中拯救出來。但在1919年,狄龍管理員必須遵守配額政策,並最終在1928年將其轉變為糖廠。

1981年起,Dillon朗姆酒成為Concours Général Agricole競賽的常規獎獲得者,確認其在馬提尼克島,法屬圭亞那和法國大陸市場的質量和營銷方面取得了進展,並在那裡成為領先的商標。在1993年被La Martiniquaise所有,Dillon品牌繼續增加了Martinique A.O.C.官方原產地標籤,1996年批准。

Dillon Rhum Blanc