Glen Moray Single Malt Whisky
Glen Moray Single Malt Whisky

Glen Moray Single Malt Whisky

Glen Moray
The Glen Moray Glenlivet Distillery is a distillery in Speyside,
Scotland that produces single malt scotch whisky.
The distillery was sold in 2008 by the Glenmorangie Company Ltd
to La Martiniquaise.

Glen Moray started life as a brewery run by Robert Thorne & Sons,
and was converted to a distillery with 2 stills in 1897.
Following a fire and extensive rebuilding program at their Aberlour Distillery,
the company focused on production of Aberlour whisky, allowing the
Glen Moray distillery to run down.

It was closed in 1910. The distillery was purchased by the owners
of the Glenmorangie Distillery, the MacDonald and Muir families
at some time during the 1920s. The distillery received 2 additional
stills in 1958 and at present has an annual capacity of around 2,000,000 litres.

The company now belongs to La Martiniquaise which uses
its production primarily for blended whisky.

Awards and Accolades
Glen Moray offerings have performed modestly at international Spirit
ratings competitions. Its 12 and 16-year single malts, for example,
have received silver medals at the 2007, 2009 and 2010 San Francisco World Spirits Competition.

Glen Moray Distillery Region: Speyside
Location: Elgin, Moray
Owner: La Martiniquaise
Founded: 1897 Status: Operational Water
Source: River Lossie
No. of Stills: 2 wash stills 2 spirit stills
Capacity: 2,000,000 litres/per annum
Glen Moray Type: Single malt

Age(s): No Age Statement -
8 Years
10 Years with Chardonnay oak
12 Years
16 Years
Special bottlings Cask Type(s):
Bourbon Casks ABV: 40% Bailie Nicol Jarvie
Type: Blended

Age(s): Min. 6 Years
ABV: ~ 40% Highland Queen
Type: Blended
Age(s): Min. 6 Years


Glen Moray 格蘭莫雷

Glen Moray 格蘭莫雷蘇格蘭單一純麥威士忌

格蘭莫雷酒廠 位於著名威士忌產區 Speyside 區首都 Elgin city 裡的 Lossie 河岸,
自1897年以來便專注於生產高品質、有著Speyside 產區特色的麥類威士忌,

今日的格蘭莫雷已經成為英國本土前五大的蘇格蘭單一 純麥威士忌

融入香料的特性,擁有豐富多變的味道,及 順口、圓融的口感。

,或是負責處理稻作的師父,甚至有可能是酒廠的負責人Graham Coull 親自帶訪客參觀

Glen Moray 格蘭莫雷酒廠大事紀
1897年 – 將建造於1828年的 West Brewery 改建成格蘭莫雷的釀酒廠。
1910年 – 酒廠關閉。
1920年 – 因為財務問題被 Macdonald & Muir公司買下。
1923年 – 重新開始生產。
1979年 – 蒸餾器增加至四個。
1996年 – Macdonald & Muir 股份有限公司改名為 Glenmorangie 公開股份有限公司。
1999年 – 推出三款酒,分別為:Chardonnay(無年份)、Chenin Blanc (12年與16年)
2004年 – 全新的訪客中心落成。
2005年 – “Manager's Choice” 酒款上市。
2006年 – 1962年與1964年兩個年份酒與新的“Manager's Choice”酒款上市。
2007年 – 第二版的橡山(Mountain Oak Malt)酒款上市。
2008年 – 被法國烈酒集團 La Martiniquaise 收購